Managing Owner, Trainer & Coach
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate
Certified Personal Trainer
Functional Mobility Specialist
Matt’s fitness journey started at the age of fifteen with olympic lifting. Thanks to his high school Strength & Conditioning coach, moving with excellent, refined technique was enforced consistently early on. While studying Biochemistry at the University of Kentucky, he began personal training, not knowing at the time how much he’d fall in love with the fitness industry. Following graduation, he quickly discovered a lab job was not for him and dove full time into personal training, but now better defining his training philosophy; taking an evidence-based, scientific approach to training modalities and actively pursuing continuing education opportunities. In 2009, Matt’s personal interest in the growing CrossFit phenomenon energized him and he began to expand his personal movement base. By 2012, he earned his Level 1 Certificate and has been practicing the CrossFit methodology ever since. Throughout the last decade, it’s become more and more apparent that with the world we live in, a sedentary, desk-bound society, isn’t conducive for optimizing movement the way our bodies were intended, ultimately leading to restricted movement patterns and later injuries. Through 100s of hours of education and implementation with clients, Matt’s developed a unique skill set in understanding how movement works, restoring restricted tissue, and expanding the working space available. Matt stands firmly in his belief that CrossFit is the best overall health and fitness program out there because of its constant variability encountered in the workouts. Because of the sedentary modern world we live in, we are not as easily able to put our bodies into positions we want to be in (think squat snatch) without compensating in other areas of the body and joints. We lack the mobility to be able to do certain exercises efficiently. This is where understanding how the body works from a cellular level all the way to external compound exercises, becomes important. Combining the general physical preparedness (GPP) of the CrossFit methodology and some GPP of mobility, we can optimize the way our bodies move, and increase its longevity. Matt’s chief passion and goal as a coach, simply put, is to help you move better not only now but for the long term.
Schedule your free intro today to get started.
567 Hanley Industrial Ct, Brentwood, MO 63144, United States of America
Call or text: 314-750-7458
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Tuesday, Thursday: